Online Casino Backgammon: How to start

Backgammon is an exciting casino game that requires player skills and a little luck to be won. Considered one of the most popular games in brick and mortar casinos for more centuries, it has since jumped onto the Internet and is now one of the most played online casino games in the world, next only to poker and slot machines.

The online casino version of backgammon adapted the rules, the equipment, sometimes even the air that is also present in its real life counterpart. Here is an exploration of the basics of this online game, which every beginner should know.

Players. Online backgammon games need only two players. Anything less or greater than that makes it difficult to actually play the game.

Backgammon board. An online game will have more prominence on the computer screen on the backgammon board. It is divided into four quadrant, each with six points, or triangles with alternating colors, of which each board has 24. On the board, players will have a domestic or internal board and an external board, distinguished from each other by a raised bar.

Equipment. Backgammon in online casino resources requires virtual versions of brick and mortar equipment football prediction. In addition to the board, there are 30 checkers, divided in half in two colors, a pair of six-sided dice, a folded cube and two dice cups for a regular game of backgammon. The pieces and the dice are highly visible in the online game version, but the dice cups are sometimes no longer included, as the computer already performs its function.

Purpose of the game. To win in backgammon, players must strive to be the first to move their pieces to the home board and then to perform them. The same goes for the online version.

Game movement. The general movement of backgammon game is very simple. A player must play on the opponent’s board, then move to the opponent’s board, to his external board and, finally, to the opponent’s board.

How to begin. In the brick and mortar varieties of backgammon and online casino, every backgammon game starts with what is known as starting position. Two pieces for each player with 24 points, five with 13 points each, three with 8 points each and five out of 6 points. The first move starts with each player playing a single die. Whoever plays the most numbers will move first and use the total of their shot and that of their opponent as the basis for their first checkers move. After that, the opposing player will roll both dice to move his pieces. The two players will alternate the rest of the game.

Once someone interested in learning to play backgammon understands the basics of how to start playing for one (or both) of the online casino or brick and mortar versions, they should start researching the rules of the game, as well as strategies to win. It must be reiterated: while Lady Luck’s whims can affect the results of each dice roll, a player can also control his chances of winning if he knows how to properly handle the game.